We just wrapped up another fantastic “Fit Health into Life” program in Tucson! In case you haven’t heard, Devon Hiking Spa named its health and wellness program “FIT HEALTH INTO LIFE,” because the program focuses on practical lifestyle tools that fit into your everyday life (and your suitcase!). Instead of bulky gym equipment, we work out with compact pedometers and portable resistance bands, so participants return home with two unobtrusive accessories that are easy to integrate into their daily schedules.
The participants on our September 13-18 program were particularly enthusiastic about wearing their pedometers. Unlike previous groups, they didn’t need to be reminded to attach their pedometers each morning. And, on the hiking trails, when they stopped for water breaks, they would look down to check their progress… and they would ask the others “How many steps do YOU have?”
For a free “Devon Hiking Spa” pedometer, send me an email with your name and address. The offer is good while supplies last.